Terms of the cashback offer

  1. We will pay a cashback of 0.25% of the value of funds transferred to our agency except in the following circumstances:
    a) Where your funds held directly with a fund manager cannot be re-registered to Fidelity FundsNetwork.
    b) Where your investment is one of the following types: Bank/Building Society Account, Cash ISA, Life Policy, Pension, Single Company Share, With Profits/Investment Bond.
  2. The maximum amount we will pay is £1,000.00.
  3. If your funds are already held with Aegon, but through another agent, you will still qualify for our cashback, but will be required to complete a different Agency Appointment Form. This can be sent to you on request.
  4. No cashback will be paid on funds already held under our agency.
  5. For the purpose of calculating the cashback due we will use the advised initial valuation of funds at the time the change of agency to us has been effected.
  6. The offer applies to stocks and shares ISAs and General Investment Accounts.
  7. Cheques will be issued within 5 weeks of the completed change of agency. By completed change of agency, we mean when all your funds (that can be transferred) have been successfully converted to our agency.

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Elson Associates does not offer advice as to the suitability of investments. If you are unsure whether an investment is suitable for you, you should obtain expert advice. Past performance of an investment is not necessarily a guide to its performance in the future. The value of investments or income from them may go down as well as up. You may not necessarily get back the amount you invested.

Please remember that tax advantages of ISAs may be subject to future statutory change. Eligibility to invest in an ISA and the value of tax savings will depend on individual circumstances.

Elson Associates plc, 5 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA | Freephone: 0800 0961111

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Registered in England No. 3595128