Elson Associates - About Us

About us

Elson Associates has been arranging discounts on investments for over 30 years. Since we started to advertise our services in the national press back in 1994, we've transacted over £1.7 billion in investments for over 80,000 clients during that period and saved investors tens of millions of pounds in investment charges.

A combination of low charges and a first-class service has allowed us to grow our business not only through advertising but through personal recommendation and repeat business. Our customers approach us time and time again to transact their investments on a cost-effective basis ensuring they gain the highest returns possible for the plan they have chosen.

But our service isn't just about saving you money, it's also about helping you make money.

We don't give advice, however after you've invested we'll continue to provide you with personalised information that could be of real benefit to you when making decisions about your investment strategy.

So whether you are investing for a more comfortable retirement, to pay off your mortgage, take that holiday of a lifetime or simply make your money grow, we can help you achieve your objectives faster.

We give choice and value for money to our customers. Alongside this, we offer personal service in a way that continues to reflect our family-founded origins.

Execution Only
All business transacted on our discounted terms will be done so on either an "execution only" or "direct offer" basis.

An "execution only" transaction is one which is carried out on your explicit instructions in respect of which we have not given advice as to the merits of the transaction, or given advice, or exercised judgement on your behalf as to its suitability.

A "direct offer" transaction happens if you invest through us in response to an advertisement or a newsletter recommending a product or giving specific information about it.

In both situations, we do not offer advice as to the suitability of the investments you buy through us. If you have any doubt whether an investment is suitable for you, you should obtain expert advice.

By using this website you are agreeing to our website terms of use, and by conducting business through us you are agreeing to our terms of business.

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Elson Associates does not offer advice as to the suitability of investments. If you are unsure whether an investment is suitable for you, you should obtain expert advice. Past performance of an investment is not necessarily a guide to its performance in the future. The value of investments or income from them may go down as well as up. You may not necessarily get back the amount you invested.

Please remember that tax advantages of ISAs may be subject to future statutory change. Eligibility to invest in an ISA and the value of tax savings will depend on individual circumstances.

Elson Associates plc, 5 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA | Freephone: 0800 0961111

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Registered in England No. 3595128