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Important Statement - Coronavirus - Covid-19

In view of the ongoing situation regarding the Coronavirus pandemic, we thought it helpful to contact our customers, firstly to send our best wishes to you during this difficult and unusual time, but also to keep you abreast of how we intend to continue our operation and ongoing services taking into account the recent Government announcements, advice and guidelines.

In order to help stem the spread of the current Coronavirus pandemic, the Government and its medical advisers have requested that where possible, people should work from home. Accordingly, we have taken the decision to allow our staff to work from home for the foreseeable future. We already have systems in place to enable staff to work remotely from home and will be implementing and extending this facility to most (if not all) of our current work force.

We would like to reassure you that despite these measures, we believe we can continue to offer you the high levels of service you have become accustomed to. At present, we do not envisage any adverse operational issues.

If you hold investments with either Aegon or Fidelity FundsNetwork, we would urge you to set up an online account with these respective companies. You will then be able to transact new investments, switches to funds and cash in or sell holdings. Please click here invest online.

You will still be able to contact us in the usual way by telephone, email or via our website. However, in the event that there is a problem with post being delivered, we suggest that you email us (where possible) instead of writing.

Instructions to buy, switch or sell can be made by telephone if you are unhappy transacting online or are encountering problems.

Important: Instructions to buy, switch or sell must be received before 10.00am to ensure the instruction is received by Aegon or Fidelity FundsNetwork and transacted that day.

We also suggest that you set up an Elson online account to keep up-to-date with the value and performance of your investments.

During this period we thank you for your ongoing custom and loyalty and we would like to wish you, your friends and family all the very best at this difficult time. The latest advice for everyone from the Government is available here


Elson Associates plc

- uploaded - 20 March 2020

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Please remember that tax advantages of ISAs may be subject to future statutory change. Eligibility to invest in an ISA and the value of tax savings will depend on individual circumstances.

Elson Associates plc, 5 Queen Street, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4DA | Freephone: 0800 0961111

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Registered in England No. 3595128